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Sepolia / Mainnet Deployment

This is a guide to deploy a Dojo world to Sepolia. The steps for Mainnet are exactly the same, just replace the chain name and ID when necessary.


You can use the Cartridge RPC provider for this. # mainnet # sepolia

After you get yours, you can check if it works and is on the correct chain (SN_SEPOLIA or SN_MAIN)

# run this...
curl --location '<RPC_PROVIDER_URL>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"id": 0,"jsonrpc": "2.0","method": "starknet_chainId","params": {}}'
# you should get an output like this...
# now paste the hex result part on this command... 
echo 0x534e5f5345504f4c4941 | xxd -r -p
# which !must! output SN_SEPOLIA or SN_MAIN
  • Create the dojo_sepolia.toml dojo config file, with the same contents of dojo_dev.toml, except for [env], in which we're going to expose the world_address only:
# rpc_url = ""         # env: STARKNET_RPC_URL
# account_address = "" # env: DOJO_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS
# private_key = ""     # env: DOJO_PRIVATE_KEY
# world_address = "<World Address>"
  • It's recommended to keep the world_address empty, on the first deployment it will be outputed by the deployment script. Then you should expose it.

  • Clone the dev overlays to sepolia

  • Create .env.sepolia containing your RPC provider, account and private key. Make sure that account is deployed and has some ETH in it (0.001 is more than enough).

# usage: source .env.sepolia


  • To load the env variables and deploy to the chain you can use this script (for mainnet, just replace sepolia with mainnet):
# Stop script on error
set -e
# Load environment variables from the appropriate file
if [ -f "$ENV_FILE" ]; then
  echo "Loading environment variables from $ENV_FILE..."
  export $(grep -v '^#' "$ENV_FILE" | xargs)
  echo "Environment file $ENV_FILE not found!"
  exit 1
# Define a cleanup function to clear environment variables
cleanup_env() {
  echo "Cleaning up environment variables..."
  echo "Environment variables cleared."
# Set the trap to execute cleanup on script exit or error
trap cleanup_env EXIT
# Build the project
echo "Building the project..."
sozo -P sepolia build
# Deploy the project
echo "Deploying to Sepolia..."
sozo -P sepolia migrate
# Deployment succeeded message
echo "Deployment completed successfully."
  • For this script to work don't forget to give it execution permissions: chmod +x <script_name>.sh

  • This localises the env variables to the deployment script, so if for any reason the deployment is aborted, it cleans up the env variables.

  • sozo will output the rpc url, account address and deployed block.

 profile | chain_id | rpc_url
🌍 World deployed at block <DEPLOYED_BLOCK> with txn hash: <DEPLOYMENT_TXN_HASH>
⛩ī¸  Migration successful with world at address <WORLD_ADDRESS>

Note: If the world already deployed by other user, you should change your seed in dojo_sepolia.toml config file.

Your world is deployed!

  • Once the world is deployed, you need to add the world_block in the dojo_.toml file.
rpc_url = ""  
# account_address = "" # env: DOJO_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS
# private_key = ""     # env: DOJO_PRIVATE_KEY
world_address = <world address>
world_block = 42069 # Here you add the block number where the world was deployed

Torii Indexer

Now, if you're building a Dojo client, you will need a Torii service to index our world...

  • Install slot or update it. You can find the docs here.
  • Authorize
slot auth login
  • Create Torii service with this command, replacing...
    • SERVICE_NAME can be the name of the game/dapp. Once you create it, you own that name.
    • DOJO_VERSION: your Dojo version (ex: v1.0.1)
    • WORLD_ADDRESS: from your Dojo config file dojo_sepolia.toml or from the deployment output
    • RPC_URL: your RPC provider url
slot deployments create <PROJECT_NAME> torii --version <DOJO_VERSION> --world <WORLD_ADDRESS> --rpc <RPC_URL>
  • slot will output something like this. Save it for later, you will need the endpoints on your client.
Deployment success 🚀
Stream logs with `slot deployments logs <SERVICE_NAME> torii -f`
  • If for any reasons we need to recreate Torii, we can just delete it and run the create command again. This is safe, all your data is on-chain.
slot deployments delete <SERVICE_NAME> torii

Some notes on the client side

  • The migrate script is copying manifests to /client/src/dojo/generated/<PROFILE>, each chain needs to use their own manifest!

  • The client needs the env variable VITE_PUBLIC_CHAIN_ID to be set to your chain id. Configure on your sever and add it to your .env to access your deployment localy:

